Membership card
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Membership cards

Whether you’re looking for membership cards for your sport club, fan club, association or any other type of organization, CardImpulz can provide you with a suitable card.

Professional card printer for your membership cards!

CardImpulz has a solid experience producing membership cards and based on our own experience we guarantee that you will get the best quality agains the most competitive pricing:

  • Your member loyalty will be increased.
  • Your members will be easier to identify.
  • Your membership administration will be simplified.
  • Your club or association will appear to be more professional.
  • Your potential to attract new members will increase.
  • Your organization will be more interesting for retailers. (E.g. Members will get a 5% discount when purchasing fan gadgets).

For more sophisticated organizations CardImpulz recommends membership cards using an RFID (Contactless) or contact chip. Of course there are a lot more advantages, and we’ll be happy to assist you. Please contact our sales department for more information.

Wouldn’t it be perfect if you could offer your members their own membership card? A plastic card with a picture of your business, your logo and address that you can design (design your own card). But of course you can also trust CardImpulz to take care of the design.

Create your own Membershipcards

In 4 simple steps Cardimpulz shows you how to create your own membership cards:

Membership Card Accessories

Lanyard with clip
CardImpulz offers various colors of lanyards with the option of printing the company name or logo on it. Our sales department can inform you about the various options we offer.

Badge holder
CardImpulz can also supply you with transparent badge holders in various materials such as PVC, ABS, PET and PETG. We can offer various thicknesses and price ranges, for any further details please contact our sales department.

CardImpulz is the Card Professional for your membership cards!

With this video we would like to give you an impression how our Cardimpulz chip card is being produced by a milling and embedding machine.

Click here for an explanation on what we need to give you the best possible printing results

100% Quality Guarantee

Control of the entire production process

Fast Shipping

Extensive shipping methods

Expert Avice

Professionals from the printing industry